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The Weeks | Dec. 22: Menorah and kinara lighting, H-F culinary renovations, Flossmoor Road development, Homewood parking

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Stuff to do

Monday, Dec. 23

Xmas Movie Double Feature. Flossmoor Public Library, 1000 Sterling Ave., will host a double feature of Christmas movies “Home Alone” and “ELF” from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For kids aged 7 and up. Both movies are rated PG so content may not be suitable for all. Popcorn and refreshments will be available. Registration is appreciated. See flossmoorlibrary.org.

Tuesday, Dec. 24

Southland Holiday Toy Drive. Imagine Nation Foundation and Keaton Fisher are sponsoring a toy drive from 2 to 6 p.m. at the FCC Community House, 847 Hutchison Road in Flossmoor. Organizers invite donations of gently used toys, wrapped and labeled for age range, to be rehomed to families having a hard time. There will be Christmas karaoke singing, cookies, hot chocolate and Santa Claus at the event.

Christmas Eve Worship. Gather at 10 p.m. at Flossmoor Community Church, 2218 Hutchison Road, for candlelight worship and carols.

Christmas Eve Service. Salem Lutheran Church, 18324 Ashland Ave. in Homewood at 10 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 25

Community Menorah Lighting. Celebrate Hanukkah with the traditional lighting of the menorah at 5 p.m. each night from Dec. 25 through Jan. 1 in Flossmoor Park, Braeburn Avenue and Flossmoor Park. 

Christmas Day Service. Salem Lutheran Church, 18324 Ashland Ave. in Homewood at 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, Dec. 26

Community Kinara Lighting. Celebrate Kwanzaa with the traditional lighting of the kinara candles at 5 p.m. each night from Dec. 26 through Jan. 1 in Flossmoor Park, Braeburn Avenue and Flossmoor Park. 

Plan ahead

Monday, Dec. 30

Winter Break Nintendo Switch Tournament. Well, Christmas may be over but winter break is not. Rather than sitting at home, come and play Smash Brothers at the library. Refreshments will be available. Flossmoor Public Library, 1000 Sterling Ave., will host from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. for kids aged 7 and up. Registration is appreciated. Visit flossmoorlibrary.org for more information.

Tuesday, Dec. 31

Noon Year’s Eve Party. The H-F Park District will host a party from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to ring in the new year at the H-F Sports Complex, 18211 S. Aberdeen Ave. in Homewood. Kids aged 5 to 12 who might not stay up until midnight can welcome the new year with “a fun-filled celebration complete with festive games, crafts and a countdown to noon. We’ll have music, snacks, and a sparkling toast,” according to the park district Facebook page. The fee is $10 for district residents, $15 for non-residents. Register here.

Welcoming the New Year. Serendipity Yoga and Wellness Studio will host a mini-retreat and vision boarding session from noon to 3 p.m. at 18300 Dixie Highway in Homewood. An opportunity to “honor the past and embrace the optimism and beauty of the new year.” The event will include guided writing and meditation prompts to help “clarify and empower your intentions for the year ahead.” More information herePurchase tickets here.

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