Local News

The Weeks | July 28: Jazz at PSC, critters at Irons Oaks, gaming tourney, teen night at the pool, bike rides

Homewood Tornado Damage Reports. The village is working on a report documenting property damage from the July 15 tornado to explore whether the area is eligible for FEMA public assistance. Residents can help by completing an online form. Officials note that completing this form does not guarantee that assistance will be provided, but it will help the village complete the initial report. Email questions to Antonia Steinmiller at [email protected]. The form will be active until Wednesday, July 31.

Stuff to do


Tuesday, July 30

Swing, Soul and Spirituals. Prairie State College, 202 S. Halsted St. in Chicago Heights, will host Swing, Soul and Spirituals: A Salute to Jazz Legends Concert from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The concert is celebrating the rich heritage of jazz, featuring the PSC Jazz Pioneers, directed by Phillip Crews.

Choo-Choo Ride. The weekly four- to five-mile bike ride through Homewood and Flossmoor neighborhoods returns. Riders will meet at 6 p.m. at GoodSpeed Cycles, 2125 183rd St. The ride starts at 6:30 p.m. It continues Tuesdays weekly at the same place and time through Labor Day.

Wednesday, July 31

Animal Encounters. Irons Oaks Environmental Learning Center, 20000 Western Ave., will host an opportunity from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. for kids to get up close to a variety of animals provided by Crosstown Exotics. Click here to register. The cost is $6 for H-F Park District residents, $8 for non-residents.

Friday, Aug. 2

‘Hair.’ Remember the 60s? The Drama Group will take you back when it presents “Hair” at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2 and 3, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 4. Repeat performances are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 8, 9 and 10, with 2 p.m. performances Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 10 and 11. The musical about anti-war protest and the world of 60s hippies. Shows are at the Drama Group’s Milord Theatre, 330 202nd St., Chicago Heights. Tickets can be purchased online at dg.booktix.com or by calling 708-755-3444.

Teen Night at Lions Club Pool. Teens entering sixth through eighth grade in the fall can swim after hours from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Teens must provide emergency contact information, according to the H-F Park District. An adult must pick up and sign out teens after the event. A DJ will be on site and concessions will be open all night. The cost is $7.

Saturday, Aug. 3

Nintendo Switch Tournament. Flossmoor Public Library, 1000 Sterling Ave., will host a Switch tournament for kids aged 9 to 14 from 2 to 4:45 p.m. Click here to register.

Robin’s Nest Music Grand Opening. The new music shop will open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 121 S. Williams, Suite A, in Thornton. There will be information about lessons, complimentary refreshments and a drawing to receive a month of free music lessons.

Homewood Farmers Market. Fresh produce, artisan foods, handcrafted personal care item vendors plus live music will all be available on Martin Square between Ridge Road and Chestnut Road from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Barb and Dan’s Road Ride. Weekly bike ride starts at 8 a.m. Saturday from GoodSpeed Cycle, 2125 W. 183rd St. in Homewood. There are two groups. One is a no-one-gets-dropped group that follows a 20-mile route. Another group goes on a longer ride. Helmets required. Lights encouraged. Riders of all experience levels are welcome.

Off-Leash Bike Ride. A nine-mile ride every Saturday starting at 8:30 a.m. at GoodSpeed Cycle, 2125 W. 183rd St. in Homewood. The route includes Butterfield Creek bike path, past Rover’s Run and through Izaak Walton Preserve. No registration. Donuts upon return.

Save the date

National Night Out. Homewood and Flossmoor police departments will host individual National Night Out events from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6. Homewood’s event will take place in Irwin Park, 18120 Highland Ave. and Flossmoor’s will be at village and Infant Jesus of Prague School parking lots, 2800 Flossmoor Road. Both events give residents a chance to mingle and chat with local police officers and other public safety staff.

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