Homewood officials announced Friday that village hall and other municipal buildings will reopen to the public on Monday, Feb. 7, after being closed since Dec. 30 due to the latest COVID-19 surge.
Village hall will return to regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays.
Mayor Rich Hofeld will resume his 9 a.m. to noon Saturday office hours on Feb. 12.
Face masks covering nose and mouth are still required at all times within village hall.
Officials suggested residents continue conducting village business, such as paying water bills or purchasing vehicle stickers, online when possible as a safety precaution.
The board of trustees will meet remotely on Tuesday to consider a measure related to the financing of the Hartford Building development downtown. The developer, HFC Homewood LLC, is asking the village to assign TIF-generated funding to its lending institution.
The assignment would go into effect only if HFC Homewood defaults on its financing and the lender or subsequent owner of the property adheres to the requirements of the TIF agreement.
In a memo to the board, Village Manager Napoleon Haney said the assignment resolution not only protects the lender but could help insure the project is completed in case of default.
In other business, the board will consider:
A resolution to appropriate $69,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for purchasing rock salt.
Reappointments of Christopher Cummings to the Fire Pension Board, Gregory Knoll to the Police Pension Board, Charlene Dyer and Larry Garth to the Veteran’s Committee.
Approving the purchase of a water control valve for Water Plant No. 1.
Approving a contract with HR Green and TPI Building Code Consultants to review plans for residential construction.
The meeting will start at 7 p.m. and will be held remotely. To attend, visit zoom.us. Select: “join a meeting” from menu at top right of page. Use meeting ID 980 4907 6232 and password 830183. To listen to the meeting via phone, dial 312-626-6799 and login with the above ID and password followed by #.