Local News

Science center annual report, garage sale ordinance on Homewood trustees agenda

Homewood Science Center officials will present the center’s annual report to Homewood trustees during the board’s regular meeting Tuesday, May 25.

The board also will consider an ordinance change that would allow garage sales to take place over three days. The current limit is two days.

In other business, the board will consider:

  • Appointing Joe Sherman to the Beautification Committee. 
  • A resolution asking state lawmakers to restore the Local Government Distributive Fund allocation to previous levels.
  • A liquor license request for an out lot building operator in Cherry Creek Plaza  converting a store to a sandwich shop.
  • A sign variance for the out lot building at 17958 Halsted St. in Washington Park Plaza.
  • A declaration of surplus property to be disposed of.
  • A front-yard parking variance for the property owner at 1620 Terrace Road.
  • A variance for minimum dwelling unit at 18462 Dixie Highway.
  • A contract renewal with M.E. Simpson Company to perform a water distribution system leak survey.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Members of the public can attend in person or via phone or computer. 

Anyone who wishes to ask questions or make comments to the board can send email to [email protected] or place written comments in the drop box outside village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road. Comments submitted before 4 p.m. on the meeting date will be distributed to all village board members prior to the meeting.

Everyone entering the village hall must wear a face covering.

To attend remotely by computer, visit Zoom.us using any internet browser. Select “join a meeting” from menu at top right of the page. The meeting ID is 980 4907 6232 and the password is 830183. 

To listen to the meeting via phone, dial 312-626-6799. Enter above ID and password followed by # sign.

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