The Homewood District 153 school board approved a study of the ventilation systems at its three schools to determine what improvements can be made for better indoor air quality.
The district decided to move forward on the assessment because of the concern of air quality, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the issue of air quality. The contract was awarded to school architects Wight at a cost of $8,500.
Wight’s focus will be on the existing ventilation systems at James Hart, Churchill and Willow Schools.
In its memo to District 153 staff, Wight outlined the work of its engineering staff “to determine the deficiencies of the existing ventilation systems, including lack of outdoor air, lack of mechanical ventilation, inadequate filtration, etc. through visual inspection of the systems and spaces they serve.” The team will also work closely with the district’s maintenance staff.
Wight’s team will prioritize work and give estimated costs for the school board to use in making decisions on work and expenses. Suggested improvements can be carried out over the next two to three years.