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Homewood trustees to consider Triumph Building redevelopment plan at Monday meeting

Homewood trustees will consider three measures at their meeting Monday that, if approved, would enable the redevelopment of the Triumph Building by HCF Homewood LLC to move forward.

Homewood trustees will consider three measures at their meeting Monday that, if approved, would enable the redevelopment of the Triumph Building by HCF Homewood LLC to move forward.

Trustees will consider a special use permit to allow hotel rooms to be included in the proposed structure at 2033 Ridge Road. The plan calls for the second floor of the four-story building to be hotel rooms operated by La Banque Hotel across the street.

The board will also consider a resolution supporting the developer’s application for Class 8 property tax relief from Cook County.

The third measure is a redevelopment agreement between the village and HCF Homewood LLC, the owner of the building.

If approved, the plan calls for demolishing the Triumph Building to make way for a new mixed-use structure that would include the hotel rooms, apartments on third and fourth floors and a restaurant or retail shops on the first floor.

The plan was approved in August by the Homewood Planning & Zoning Commission and in September by the Appearance Commission. 

In other business, the board will consider:

  • An ordinance authorizing Public Works to suspend sewer and water services to properties with illegal connections from private property into the village’s sanitary sewer system. 
  • A resolution appropriating $100,000 for purchasing rock salt to use on streets during winter months.
  • A liquor license for Culture Food and Entertainment Group.
  • A raffle license for Glenwood Academy to operate a Queen of Hearts raffle in Homewood.
The board will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the board room at village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road. The meeting was moved one day earlier than usual to account for the Thanksgiving holiday.

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