(Updated Dec. 29)
In the April 2 election, voters will be selecting new members to serve on school boards, the Homewood and Flossmoor Village Boards, Flossmoor and Homewood libraries, Homewood-Flossmoor Park District and Prairie State College.
The Cook County Clerk’s office released names of persons who filed petitions by Monday, Dec. 17, to get on the ballot in grade and high school board elections. Candidates for village and library positions filed their petitions locally.
Ten persons are running for four seats in Homewood-Flossmoor High School District 233.*
Candidates for the H-F school board, according to their time of filing, are Paris Walker of Homewood, Jimo (JK) Kasali of Homewood, incumbent Debbie Berman of Flossmoor, incumbent Jody Scariano of Flossmoor, incumbent Gerald L. Pauling Jr. of Flossmoor, Nathan Legardy of Flossmoor, P. Andrew Linstrom of Homewood, Jonathan Cook of Homewood, Pamela Jackson of Homewood and Merle Kimbrough-Huckabee of Hazel Crest.
Pauling, a former District 233 board member, was appointed to a vacant seat and sworn in at the October meeting.
Kimbrough-Huckabee is currently a member of the Flossmoor District 161 school board. She is not seeking reelection, so her seat will be filled in the April election.
Three persons are running for three spots on the District 161 board. They are David Linnear of Flossmoor, incumbent Michelle Hoereth of Flossmoor and Christine Popolla-Vienstra of Chicago Heights.
In Homewood District 153, four incumbents are running for re-election. They are Ronald Zinnerman of Glenwood, James Schmidt of Homewood, Ashanti M. Bethea of Homewood and Alexander Bosch of Homewood.
The Homewood-Flossmoor Park District has three candidates on the ballot for two six-year terms. Steve Johnson, president of the board, is seeking re-election. The other two candidates are Brit Volini and Linda Ojode. Christina Jackson, who is completing a two-year term on the board, is not seeking re-election.
In Homewood, four candidates for the village board are running unopposed. Incumbents Jay Heiferman, Lisa Purcell and Karen Washington will run for four-year terms, and Lauren Roman, who was appointed to fill a vacancy when Anne Colton stepped off the board, will be on the ballot to fill the remaining two years of Colton’s term.
In Flossmoor, five residents filed for three village board trustee positions. They are Gyata Kimmons, incumbent Perry Hoag, incumbent James Mitros, Stephen Kelly and David Bruni.
Two persons filed for the Flossmoor Public Library board. They are Robert Bramlette, Jr. and Derrick Hayes. Both are incumbents.
Prairie State College has two six-year terms open and six candidates: John Stanfa of Chicago Heights, Jay Readey of Flossmoor, Octavia Altheimer of Glenwood, Quintella Bounds of Matteson, Williams S. McClinton of Matteson and Charles S. Dieringer Jr. of Chicago Heights.
The Homewood Public Library board has two six-year terms and one two-year term open. Filing for the six-year terms are Thomas A. Nowak, Chenise “Cece” Belue, Oludolapo (Dolly) Kasali and Timothy A. Martin. No one filed for the two-year term.