Mary Beth Berger, second
from left, was honored with
the Jerry Morin Award.
Congratulating her are,
from left, Hart Principal
Scott McAlister,
Superintendent Dale Mitchell,
District 153 Board President
Shelly Marks and former
board member Morin.
(Provided photo)
The Jerry Morin Educational Excellence Award was presented to four outstanding Homewood District 153 staff members at the Sept. 24 school board meeting.
Morin was present to congratulate the winners.
left, was presented the
Jerry Morin Educational
Excellence Award for
her outstanding work
at Churchill School.
Congratulating her
are, from left, Churchill
Principal Nikki Kerr,
Superintendent Dale Mitchell,
School Board President Shelly
Marks and former board
member Morin.
(Photo by Marilyn Thomas/
H-F Chronicle)
Teacher Mary Beth Berger was the recipient at James Hart School. The sixth grade language arts teacher was selected to receive the honor by her 100 peers in the building, said Principal Scott McAlister, who commended Berger for her outstanding teaching and efforts with fellow staff members.
teacher Barbara Van Etten,
left, is congratulated after
receiving the Jerry Morin
Educational Excellence
Award. Joining her are,
from left, Superintendent
Dale Mitchell, School
Board President Shelly
Marks, former board
member Jerry Morin and
Willow School Principal
Melissa Lawson. (Photo
by Marilyn Thomas/H-F
Principal Melissa Lawson said the first grade teacher has a passion for her students that motivates them, lets them know she has high expectations and at the same time can open her heart and love them. She also mentors teachers on the math curriculum.
Educational Excellence Award for her outstanding work
in the district office. Congratulating her are, from left,
Superintendent Dale Mitchell, School Board President
Shelly Marks and retired board member Jerry Morin.
(Photo by Marilyn Thomas/H-F Chronicle)