Splash Pad-banners 2018-06-30 163
Local News

Adult party at the Splash Pad on Thursday

Adults will get their chance to make a splash on Thursday, July 26, at the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District’s new Splash Pad at Millennium Park, 18600 Harwood Ave. in Homewood.

  Youngsters frolic at the 
  new Splash Pad on its 
  first day of operation. 
  Adults will get a chance 
  to do some frolicking 
  file photo)

Adults will get their chance to make a splash on Thursday, July 26, at the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District’s new Splash Pad at Millennium Park, 18600 Harwood Ave. in Homewood.

The park district is hosting a free adults-only party from 8 to 10 p.m. to give residents a chance to cool off in the water spouts, bubblers and bucket dump, enjoy entertainment provided by a DJ and play a few games, including bag toss, water balloons and squirt gun fights.
At the park’s pavilion, adult drinks will be available from Wiley’s Grill and snacks will be served. No outside beverages will be allowed.
Because parking is limited, the park crew recommends carpooling.
More information is available at 708-957-0300.

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