4th of July parade 2017-07-04 531
Local News

Fourth of July festivities promise a day of family fun

Fourth of July celebrations in Homewood and Flossmoor are steeped in tradition, and this year’s festivities are designed to follow the popular script: a 5K race, two parades and a family festival.

  A line of vintage cars makes its way east on Ridge 
  Road during the 2017 Homewood Fourth of July 
(Chronicle file photos)

Fourth of July celebrations in Homewood and Flossmoor are steeped in tradition, and this year’s festivities are designed to follow the popular script: a 5K race, two parades and a family festival.

  Children of all ages ride
  their bikes and scooters
  down Flossmoor Road
  during the 2017 Fourth of
  July parade. 


Start the day at the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District’s annual Run for Freedom 5K run/walk beginning at 8 a.m. at the Lions Club Pool parking lot, 1041 Ridge Road in Homewood. Registration will begin at 7 a.m. The cost is $25 for H-F Park District residents and $28 for nonresidents.

In Flossmoor, the parade is an activity that features children, who are invited to participate by decorating their bikes, tricycles or wagons in red, white and blue. The parade will start at 10 a.m. at the Parker Junior High School parking lot, 2810 School St., and travel east on Flossmoor Road to the central business district. Parade line-up will start at 9:30 a.m. 

The celebration will continue downtown, where there will be patriotic music playing at the village traffic island. There will also be a demonstration of fire department operations. 

  A youngster attempts to 
  ring the bell with a mighty 
  hammer blow during the 
  2017 Family Fun Fest. 


Free refreshments will be provided for all by the members of the Flossmoor Volunteer Fire Department. For more information, contact Fire Chief Chris Sewell at 708-798-3885.

Homewood’s parade is always one of the biggest events of the year, and this year residents will not only be celebrating the nation’s birthday but Homewood’s 125th anniversary, too. 

The parade will highlight Homewood’s history with a showing of military uniforms from yesteryear, a reconstructed version of historic Fire Engine 1, a parade of antique cars and more.

The village will honor U.S. Navy serviceman and Homewood resident Stephen Roman, who has returned from a tour in the Pacific Ocean.

The parade will also include a variety of entertainment with clowns, stilt walkers, floats and live music. 


There is a competition for the best float. Last year’s winners were Calvary Assembly of God Church, best float; Homewood Baseball, most patriotic float; Mean Street Elite, best walking unit.  

The route starts at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 17951 Dixie Highway, and travels south to Ridge Road, then east along Ridge Road to Izaak Walton Preserve, 1100 Ridge Road, where the H-F Park District and the Izaak Walton Preserve will host games and entertainment at Family Fun Fest.  

The fest from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. will include food, games and entertainment. Tickets for activities are available from H-F Park District. 

Call 708-957-0300 for more information.


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