Local News

Triumph building purchase on board agenda Tuesday

Homewood officials have reached an agreement to purchase a vacant building that has for some time been featured in its plans for downtown redevelopment.

Trustees on Tuesday will have an opportunity to approve a contract on the building at 2033-2045 Ridge Road and 18042-18044 Martin Avenue, commonly referred to as the Triumph Building.

The site was part of a proposal in 2016-2017 by Third Coast Developers for a transit-oriented development, but that deal collapsed last summer. 

The board will also consider a budget amendment related to the purchase.


In other business, trustees will consider a bid and budget amendment for wall tuck-pointing and paint touch-ups on several of the Richard Haas murals at a cost of about $35,000.

Also on the agenda:

  • The oath of office will be administered to Jennifer Quirke as the village’s new marketing director.
  • There will be a proclamation honoring the Cancer Support Center for its 25th anniversary.
  • A budget amendment of $40,500 to the vehicle licensing line item for a sewer cleaner vactor.
  • A variance request to allow the construction of a shed at 17902 Homewood Ave.
  • A resolution to accept the donation from Franciscan Alliance Inc. of a parking lot at 18811 Dixie Highway.
  • A bid award for asphalt not to exceed $35,000.
  • A bid award for employee uniform services.
The board meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in village hall at 2020 Chestnut Road.

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