Only one timed 5K race will be sponsored by the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District this year.
After reviewing the declining participation numbers, the board agreed to continue sponsoring the 4th of July Run for Freedom race that is part of Homewood’s annual 4th of July celebration. This is a sanctioned, timed race.
The park district also will host the Butterball Burner, a non-timed fun run offered the day after Thanksgiving, but it’s dropping the Apollo 5K and the Flossmoor 5K.
The board made its decision after staff presented numbers showing a drop in runners “yet (the races) are labor intensive and expensive to coordinate,” said Debbie Kopas, the park district’s executive director.
“Every year there are more and more 5K runs offered as fundraisers in the community” benefiting schools, churches and many social causes and non-profits, she noted.
“Unlike in the past, now you can pretty much take your pick of any weekend to find a run, and we’re assuming market saturation is what has driven down our participation,” Kopas added.