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H-F Park District commissioners applaud parks improvements

Homewood-Flossmoor Park District commissioners offered their thanks for the outstanding work of staff who made improvements to parks, park programs and park facilities.
At its meeting Tuesday, April 3, commissioners reviewed achievements set out in the 2017-18 core values and goals. All were impressed with how the administration and staff carried out the goals.
The board works within six core values that emphasize recreational facilities, programs and services, environmental policies and programs for open space and conservation of natural resources, park district staff personal and professional growth, management of revenues and expenditures and marketing initiatives to bring the park district’s message to the community.
One of the major goals for 2017-18 was developing a new Splash Pad at Millennium Park. The board worked with an architect and the project is now underway. A new Splash Pad should be ready for the Memorial Day weekend.
Staff also made a number of cosmetic improvements at the Racquet & Fitness Center; is working on Phase I improvements for the parking lot at Irons Oaks; and was able to improve the lighting at the parking areas for the administrative building at Goldberg Park and at the racquet club.
Several new programs were added this year, including outdoor yoga classes at the Irwin Bandshell and at The Clubhouse and games and a movie night at Lions Pool. 
Tree identification signs were installed on 19 trees at Irons Oaks and a story trail was started in June that allows visitors to specific parks to walk through and read portions of a story at various stops.
Several programs didn’t generate the number of participants staff had hoped, but commissioners said they appreciated the efforts to try new ideas.
“It’s all very impressive,” said Commissioner Debbie Dennison.

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