Saturday 2018-03-03 121_web
Local News

Park district budget shows future improvements

New carts for Coyote Run Golf Course, work to make the Irons Oaks Environmental Learning Center accessible to people with disabilities and roof repairs at the H-F Ice Arena are included in the 2018-19 budget proposed by directors at the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District.

  Former H-F Park District board President Bob 
  Haderlein approaches a green on a chilly opening 
  day March 3 at Coyote Run Golf Course. Haderlein 
  said the early days of the season are some of 
  favorite for golfing. Few golfers joined him that 
  day, but 125 golfers hit the links the next day. 

  (Photo by Eric Crump/H-F Chronicle)

New carts for Coyote Run Golf Course, work to make Irons Oaks Environmental Learning Center accessible to people with disabilities and roof repairs at the H-F Ice Arena are included in the 2018-19 proposed budget bydirectors at the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District.

The board of commissioners heard these and other requests during a March 6 review.
The preliminary numbers show the district’s revenues at $13.3 million and expenses at $14.1 million. Revenues are up $233,115 and expenses are down $227,500 from the previous year.
Executive Director Debbie Kopas said there are still factors that haven’t been finalized, including the final tax levy coming from the Cook County Clerk’s Office.  By May 1, when the new budget year begins, Kopas said the two numbers will match.
Sharon Dangles, superintendent of finance and administration, said the district’s revenues come from three primary sources: 36 percent from property taxes; 27 percent from user fees and 21 percent from program fees.
The park district will spend 52 percent of its revenues on salaries and benefits, including an increase of $32,475 in its Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund payments. 
The board allocates dollars to various funds. It will be asked to approve $15,000 for signs and $30,000 for concrete stairs from its Museum Fund. The Special Recreation Fund will use $18,000 for a new ramp to the tennis courts at the Racquet & Fitness Club and $27,800 for various Americans with Disabilities Act projects, including safety surfaces and accessible picnic tables and benches. 
The Improvement Fund will cover new financial software for the business office, a new copier for the administrative office, $42,000 in concrete repairs and $28,875 for pole and light improvements.
The board is asked to allocate $40,000 for tennis court renovations. The Racquet & Fitness Club will be updated with new carpeting in the locker rooms, new spa pumps and work on the heating and air conditioning units.
Coyote Run’s clubhouse needs a new walk-in refrigerator for $25,000 and $15,000 for a solar aerator for the golf course. 

Doug Boehm, superintendent of parks and planning, credited mechanic Eric Scheutzow with helping the district maintain its fleet of vehicles, but said several will need to be replaced. Boehm said a 2006 truck with more than 100,000 miles and a 1998 truck can be cycled out.

Homewood School District 153 will allow the park district’s before and after school programs to use its buildings next year.  Stephanie Simpson, superintendent of recreation, said the change will allow the park district to accommodate more children. 

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