PSC Jazz Fest Provided 012617
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30th Annual Jazz Fest Feb. 16 at Prairie State College

  Some of the area’s finest jazz musicians will be on 
  hand to teach at Prairie State College’s annual jazz 
 (Provided photos)

Prairie State College will present its 30th Annual Jazz Fest on Feb. 16 featuring top jazz artists.

The program opens at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnes & Noble College Auditorium in the PSC conference center, 202 S. Halsted St. in Chicago Heights. A special VIP reception with the musicians will begin at 6 p.m.
  Trumpeter Orbert Davis
  will   be among the
  featured musicians at the
  PSC Jazz Festival.


Featured musicians for this program are Chicago trumpeter Orbert Davis, drummer Ernie Adams, percussionist Rubén P. Alvarez, bassist Larry Gray and saxophonist Ed Petersen, as well PSC’s professor of music Valerie Nicholson on piano.

Tickets are $15 or $10 for students and senior citizens. Tickets are available in advance online at, or by visiting the PSC Foundation Office in room 2266 of the main campus. Tickets also can be purchased at the door on the evening of the concert.
Tickets are $30 for the concert and the pre-concert VIP reception hosted by the PSC Foundation. Guests will enjoy hors d’oeuvres, refreshments and entertainment, as well as the opportunity to meet the jazz fest masters. For more information, email [email protected].
The Friday performance is part of the annual festival hosted by PSC, which also includes instrumental clinics led by the featured artists. The clinics are for local junior high and high school jazz musicians. It is an opportunity for students to receive instruction in technique and performance from the jazz masters. Select students from the instrumental clinics also will be invited to perform with the guest artists during the concert.
For more information on the Jazz Festival, or to purchase tickets, call 708-709-3631.

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