Tag: jazz

PSC Jazz Fest Provided 012617

Jazz Fest is Feb. 16 at Prairie State

Prairie State College will present its 35th annual Jazz Fest on Friday, Feb. 16, in the Barnes & Noble College Auditorium on campus, 202 S. Halsted St. in Chicago Heights. The show will open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10. Performers are Orbert Davis on trumpet, Darius Hampton on saxophone,[Read More…]

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Flossmoor musicians set to release jazz recording June 7

Thanks to a Flossmoor block party, a new jazz recording is born. On June 7, Rob Ryndak and Tom Lockwood will release “Gratitude.” A release party is set for 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, June 8, at PianoForte, 1335 S. Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Tickets are available at www.pianofortechicago.com.

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Two H-F musicians selected for CYSO Jazz Orchestra

Two student musicians at Homewood-Flossmoor High School have been selected as members of the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra’s Jazz Orchestra. Sam Calhoon of Flossmoor and Kensuke “Ken” Nakamura of Homewood were selected for the jazz orchestra after auditions that included performing excerpts from five pieces selected by CYSO and improvising over[Read More…]

PSC Jazz Fest Provided 012617

30th Annual Jazz Fest Feb. 16 at Prairie State College

  Some of the area’s finest jazz musicians will be on   hand to teach at Prairie State College’s annual jazz   festival. (Provided photos)  Prairie State College will present its 30th Annual Jazz Fest on Feb. 16 featuring top jazz artists.  The program opens at 7:30 p.m. in the Barnes & Noble College Auditorium[Read More…]

IPO ‘Swingin’ Spring’ jazz concert March 15

The Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) is hosting a “Swingin’ Spring” program on Wednesday, March 15, at Ravisloe Country Club in Homewood.   The 7 p.m. program will be a live jazz event led by IPO principal trumpet Matthew Lee with the IPO Brass Ensemble.   This performance is part of[Read More…]

Music 2016-08-13 009

Jazz at the market

Homewood Farmers Market has long included live music, but this summer, market Manager Kate Duff has added a musical second shift that has featured young local musicians. On Saturday, Aug. 13, a jazz combo led by Chris Denman, band instructor at Chicago Christian High School, kept market patrons entertained and[Read More…]

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