Every school in Homewood District 153 now has a Little Free Library thanks to a $750 grant from the Illinois Education Association (IEA) and four volunteers.
The Little Free Library at Churchill School. (Photos by Eric Crump/ H-F Chronicle)
Every school in Homewood District 153 now has a Little Free Library thanks to a $750 grant from the Illinois Education Association (IEA) and four volunteers.
A Little Free Library is an easy way to exchange books. The District 153 libraries start with books that teachers and staff donate to the library. After a time, others begin to share books they have read and enjoyed.
The Little Free Library at Willow School.
James Hart School has had a Little Free Library for several years thanks to reading teacher Maureen Daley and her husband, Steve. It is designed to be a panther, mimicking the Hart School mascot.
Daley and teacher Nicole LaPorte applied for an IEA Schools and Community Outreach by Educators (SCORE) grant awarded for school projects meant to “build visible foundations for deeper relationships with students.” The Little Free Library at James Hart School.
Daley and LaPorte built and painted the Little Free Libraries for Willow and Churchill Schools with assistance from Carey Sullivan and Steve Daley.