The Homewood-Flossmoor Park District is proposing a 2017 tax levy of $4,970,440.
The board of commissioners will approve the levy at its 7 p.m. Dec. 5 meeting. The public is invited to offer comment. The meeting is at park district offices at 3301 Flossmoor Road in Flossmoor.
If the levy is approved by the Cook County Clerk’s Office at the proposed rate, the district will receive an additional $192,960 over the previous year’s taxes.
Part of that increase is because the Equalized Assessed Valuation of property within the district jumped 7.4 percent in value. That includes a 2.5 percent expected increase in new property, such as the Meijer superstore on Vollmer Road in Flossmoor, according to Sharon Dangles, superintendent of finance and administration.
To stay within the state mandated tax caps, taxing bodies are limited to increases of 5 percent or the Consumer Price Index (CPI) – whichever is less. For 2017 taxes that are collected in 2018, the district will use a CPI of 2.1 percent.
Park district funding is broken in to various accounts – corporate, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), social security (FICA), audit, liability and insurance, recreation, workers’ comp and a museum fund that maintains the Irons Oaks Environmental Learning Center jointly with the Olympia Fields Park District.