If you find yourself singing songs from the hit show “Hamilton,” now’s your chance to say you’ve join the cast at a special Homewood Public Library sing-along event.
If you find yourself singing songs from the hit show “Hamilton,” now’s your chance to say you’ve join the cast.
The Homewood Public Library is presenting “Hamiltunes Singalong,” a re-creation of the Broadway hit through song. You can sign up to sing Hamilton’s lines. Maybe you’d prefer to be Aaron Burr. Can you do Eliza or be in the chorus?
The entire “Hamilton” show will be performed starting at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, at the library, 17917 Dixie Highway. There are no age or residency restrictions, according to Ashley Sander, events coordinator. Kids 13 and younger must be accompanied by a parent.
To participate, go to the library’s website www.homewoodlibrary.org events listing. Find calendar listings and go to Dec. 2. click the link for “Hamiltunes” and sign up for the parts you want to sing. Registrants can sing a maximum of three parts in three different songs, but each selection requires a separate entry. The library will hold a lottery should multiple singers apply for the same part. Groups are welcome to apply, but each person must apply individually.
The library won a lottery that granted a one-year license to recreate the show under approval of “Hamilton” producers and rights holders. This includes use of the logo and an instrumental soundtrack. Song words are posted on the library’s website.
If you’re not a singer, join the audience. The event will include a raffle of “Hamilton” memorabilia.
For additional information, contact library staff at 708-798-0121.