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Local News

Flossmoor seeks input from residents on planning, marketing surveys

Flossmoor residents have a chance to let local officials know what they think needs to be done, both in planning for the future and in marketing the village.

Flossmoor residents have a chance to let local officials know what they think needs to be done, both in planning for the future and in marketing the village.

The first of two surveys ― on the development of a five-year strategic plan ― was posted Thursday on the village website.


A second survey ― on the best way to “brand” and market Flossmoor ― will be posted within the next few days.

The village this week sent postcards to every Flossmoor address asking residents to respond to the two surveys.

Surveys can be completed on the village website. Paper copies are also available at the village hall, 2800 Flossmoor Road, and the Flossmoor Public Library, 1000 Sterling Ave.

The deadline is May 26 for all completed surveys. Paper surveys should be returned to the village hall.

Village officials are embarking on a strategic planning process that will determine municipal priorities in Flossmoor for the next five years. The planning survey will be used to determine those priorities. It asks questions about the importance of existing major services ― police, fire, public works, zoning, land use, building permits and inspections.

The planning survey also asks residents about Flossmoor’s strengths and weaknesses, what they like about the community and what they’d like to see changed.

Results of the planning survey will be compiled by Lee Crumbaugh of Forrest Consulting, Flossmoor’s strategic planning consultant. Crumbaugh will conduct interviews and act as facilitator at community input meetings on June 12 and 14, and two planning workshops in July.

Marketing and branding efforts started earlier this year with informal brainstorming sessions in which residents voiced their opinions on the best way to promote Flossmoor to the outside world. The survey was developed using the input from those meetings.

The marketing and branding survey asks residents why they think Flossmoor is special, perceptions about the community and how it appeals to current and prospective residents.

Persons with questions about the surveys can call the Flossmoor village manager’s office at 708-798-2300.

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