Village board members gave the go-ahead Monday to “Welcoming. Beautiful. Connected.” as the community’s motto and also picked a new logo, a tree drawn with a continuous line that begins and ends in the same place ― Flossmoor.
Tag: marketing and branding
Survey results will be used in Flossmoor’s future planning
Flossmoor residents believe that the village’s greatest strengths are diversity, schools and housing. On the other hand, they say, the community’s greatest weaknesses are high property taxes, declining school quality and decreasing property values. Village officials last week released the results of two surveys that asked Flossmoor residents how they[Read More…]
by Brittney Ermon Comments are Disabled
Flossmoor seeks input from residents on planning, marketing surveys
Flossmoor residents have a chance to let local officials know what they think needs to be done, both in planning for the future and in marketing the village.
by Tom Houlihan Comments are Disabled
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