Tag: homewood election

Liz Varmecky

Election 2025: Introducing Liz Varmecky

Note: This is the ninth in a 10-part series of stories introducing candidates who are on the ballot for the first time in Homewood and Flossmoor village board races. There is more competition for trustee seats than usual in Homewood. In 2023, five candidates ran for four seats. This year,[Read More…]

Patrick McAneney

Election 2025: Introducing Patrick McAneney

Note: This is the seventh in a 10-part series of stories introducing candidates who are on the ballot for the first time in Homewood and Flossmoor village board races. There is more competition for trustee seats than usual in Homewood. In 2023, five candidates ran for four seats. This year,[Read More…]

Brady Chalmers

Election 2025: Introducing Brady Chalmers

Note: This is the first in a 10-part series introducing candidates who are on the ballot for the first time in village board races in Homewood and Flossmoor. The last time Homewood Mayor Rich Hofeld had competition was in 2009. This year, newcomer Brady Chalmers will compete for the job.[Read More…]

H-F candidate forum MT021119_web

District 233 forum offers insights into 10 candidates positions

The Homewood-Flossmoor League of Women Voters candidate forum on Sunday drew a crowd of about 50 people who got to hear 2-minute introductions, 1-minute answers to audience questions and 2-minute closing statements from Debbie Berman, Jonathan Cook, Pamela Jackson, Jimo Kasali, Merle Kimbrough-Huckabee, Nathan Legardy, P. Andrew Lindstrom, Gerald Pauling,[Read More…]

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