Author: Letter to the editor

Letter: Pandemic requires rethinking education

I fully agree with Weston Auburn of Flossmoor, whose recent letter presented a realistic and responsible risk assessment of a hasty return to in-person learning. In his letter, Mr. Auburn admirably implores the District 161 School Board “…to start seriously thinking about how they can improve the children’s remote learning.” Is this not the[Read More…]

Letter: District 161 board should focus on improving remote learning, not reopening schools

I recently read your informative article “Board members disagree over what criteria should prompt schools reopening” and was equally hopeful and concerned about some opinions expressed by the board. I commend Superintendent Smith, School Nurse Knawa and Board Secretary Blackman for being both concerned and knowledgable about the impact this[Read More…]

Letter: Kudos for community, Chronicle

Thanks and a big shout-out to the editors and staff of the Homewood-Flossmoor Chronicle newspaper.  Not only do you guys provide us with the information and insight on important local news in our communities but the price is just right (LOL)!  I look forward to receiving your newspaper and read[Read More…]

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