Local News

Homewood Village Board approves agreement for 183rd Street viaduct repairs 

Due to the incident last July where a truck struck the overhead of the viaduct on 183rd Street in Homewood, up to $66,865 is needed for repairs to the bridge. 

At the Jan. 28  village board meeting, trustees accepted the agreement with HR Green of New Lenox for design engineering services and construction engineering services for the repairs. 

Bends in a beam, a crumpled corner of the sign and a temporary catwalk show the damage inflicted on the 183rd Street viaduct bridge last summer when a dump truck driver tried to drive through with the bed of the truck elevated. (Eric Crump/H-F Chronicle)
Bends in a beam, a crumpled corner of the sign and a temporary catwalk show the damage inflicted on the 183rd Street viaduct bridge last summer when a dump truck driver tried to drive through with the bed of the truck elevated. (Eric Crump/H-F Chronicle)

According to the accident report by Homewood Deputy Police Chief Kelly Strayer, the driver was unaware that the bed of his truck was raised. This caused damage to the bridge and surrounding area. 

The 183rd Street viaduct has a clearance of 14 feet 6 inches, and had not been hit by a vehicle for several years, Strayer said. 


Upon inspection by HR Green last July, it was determined that there would need to be repairs for Homewood’s marquee sign, a damaged bridge beam, and the catwalk above the bridge beam, said Director of Public Works Joshua Burman. 

HR Green will provide a development plan, specifications, an estimate, and bidding assistance for the repairs. This will be accomplished in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials guidelines, he said. 

According to Burman, the company has proposed to not exceed $38,445 for the engineering design services, and not more than $28,420 for the construction services, totaling $66,865 maximum. 

While the funding source for the repairs will be Homewood’s general fund, the expense will be reimbursed by the trucking company responsible for the incident, Burman said. 

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