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Flossmoor board votes to update financial software

The Flossmoor Village Board on Jan. 22 gave unanimous approval for $104,650 in computer updates available from BS&A Software. 

Flossmoor Financial Director Ann Novoa told trustees the village has been using BS&A Software since 2020. The village is proposing to move to a new iteration of the software from BS&A.Net to BS&A Cloud. 

Novoa said one of the main reasons the agreement came about was for security reasons. 

“We’re finding out as we’re making more processes efficient, such as the water meter project using the census analytics system, it doesn’t integrate with BS&A.Net,” Novoa said.  


The village staff’s been processing input as a manual task and upgrading to BS&A Cloud will make it an automated process, Novoa said. Another change is a possible reduction of the $5 processing fee for electronically paying bills, Novoa said.  

Since 2020 when the village first started using BS&A Software, staff has anticipated a need for updates and has saved money in each budget over the past five years.

In Fiscal Year 2026 the Village will have saved $115,00 for the upgrade exceeding the price of the cloud.

According to the memo BSA.Net costs the Village $44,774 total and BSA Cloud will cost $42,500 saving them $2,274 annually.

“That five years of saving  we’ve saved about $115,000 and this upgrade is coming in at $104,650,” Novoa said. “If you put in some number of what it actually cost to implement it will be around $205,000, plus a ton of training.” 

“Overall, I think for the village right now there are some processes of BS&A that we don’t utilize that I’m hoping with the cloud system we’ll be able to,” Novoa said, such as the budgeting process. The change would allow the village to “start fresh and make some processes more efficient,” Novoa explained. 

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