The Homewood-Flossmoor Park Board agreed to the purchase of 19 new golf carts for Coyote Run Golf Course in Flossmoor.
At its Jan. 21 meeting, Tom Denklau, golf course manager, told commissioners a $65,050 agreement with Harris Golf Car Sales will cover 19 new carts. These would match the Yamaha carts the course currently has. Harris Golf will take 19 of Coyote Run’s carts as trade-in.
Denklau reported to the park board that with the record-setting year with 40,261 rounds of golf played in 2024, he wants to make certain the equipment is in good shape. He set a four-year rotation for cart replacements for the 76-cart fleet. This plan would split the estimated $250,000 expense over several budget years.
“By splitting over four seasons, we could easily run through capital in the golf department should the golf economy continue in a positive direction,” Denklau wrote in a memo to the board.
Denklau noted he and Dan Gollinger, assistant manager, did maintenance on the carts. “Winterization includes oil changes, filter changes, cleaning, brake inspections and greasing bearings. The cart diagnostics are downloaded with motor hours to ensure a proper rotation for usage year after year.
“We are changing windshields, working on seat repair and will again be repairing the USB ports. Coyote Run saved another $6,000 this year on service contract fees by completing all repairs in-house.”