Back in class. District 153 schools will return to in-person classes today after an e-learning day Tuesday because of extreme cold weather.
Flossmoor Board of Trustees will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, in village hall, 2800 Flossmoor Road. The date was changed to account for the MLK holiday. The agenda is available here. The livestream of the meeting can be seen here. Meeting ID 852 1089 4513 Passcode 60422. On the agenda is an amendment to the village emergency ordinance to define the conditions of an emergency, identify the powers of the mayor and the actions the mayor can take.
I-Pass on Demand. Representatives from Illinois State Toll Highway Authority will be at Flossmoor Public Library, 1000 Sterling Ave., starting at 3 p.m. to provide mobile customer service on a drop-in basis. No registration is needed. Another session of this program will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22.