MEDUCATE AT STEM SATURDAY — MedUcate will be visiting STEM Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Homewood Science Center, 18022 Dixie Highway, to provide information about the immune system. There will be an activity that helps demonstrate how the immune system protects people and what to do to keep it healthy.
JAPANESE SWORDSMANSHIP — Flossmoor Public Library, 1000 Sterling Ave., will host an introduction to Japanese swordspersonship presented by Rob Dillon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For anyone aged 15 and up. Registration is not required.
PLANT SWAP — Homewood Public Library, 17917 Dixie Highway, will host a plant swap at 1 p.m. for anyone who has cuttings, propogations or potted plants to trade with others. Participants can bring up to three plants or cuttings to swap, and there will be no requirement to bring a plant in order to participate. Begin dropping off your plants at 1 p.m. Swapping will start at 1:30 p.m. Plants should be healthy, pest free and labeled with species and care information. Register here.
JOYFUL VOICES — Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra will perform Shaw’s “Seven Joys” and Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 9” at 7:30 p.m. at Ozinga Chapel at Trinity Christian College, 6601 W. College Drive, Palos Heights. The concert will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first time Beethoven’s work was performed. Buy tickets here.
ROLLER DERBY — Chicago Knockouts will host a bout between the Comic Book Crushers and the Horrific Haunters at Homewood Auditorium, 2010 Chestnut Road. Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Bout begins at 8 p.m. Accessible seating at no extra charge. Tickets available here.
BARB AND DAN’S ROAD RIDE — Weekly bike ride start at 8 a.m. Saturday from GoodSpeed Cycle, 2125 W. 183rd St. in Homewood. There are two groups. One is a no-one-gets-dropped group that follows a 20-mile route. Another group is goes on a longer ride. Helmets required. Lights encouraged. Riders of all experience levels are welcome.
OFF-LEASH BIKE RIDE — A nine-mile ride every Saturday starting at 8:30 a.m. at GoodSpeed Cycle, 2125 W. 183rd St. in Homewood. The route includes Butterfield Creek bike path, past Rover’s Run and through Izaak Walton Preserve. No registration. Donuts upon return.