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Flossmoor’s ‘worst street’ will get a complete makeover this summer

Brumley Drive in Flossmoor has the distinction of being the village’s worst street.

But not for long.

Trustees unanimously approved a contract Monday, Feb. 5, for improvements to the street from Sterling Avenue to Bruce Avenue.


“It was the worst rated road in the village’s inventory when we did the study years ago,” Director of Public Works John Brunke said.

The project could start in March or April and will include resurfacing the street from Sterling Avenue to Perth Avenue. From Perth to Bruce Avenue, the street will get a complete reconstruction, with new curb and gutter and roadway pavement, Brunke said. He expect the construction work to take three to four months.

The project will also address flooding problems in a sag area between Bruce and Argyle Avenue.
That part of the project put it over the budgeted amount.

“The original project budget did not include the additional large scale storm sewer improvements since the extent of that work was not known until final design storm water modeling was completed,” Brunke said, noting that the budget was completed before the storm water modeling was done.

The modeling indicated a 36-inch diameter storm sewer for two blocks would be needed to address the flooding in the sag area.

“That greatly increased the cost of the project,” Brunke said.

The final plan also opts for using sod and having the contractor take care of watering it instead of using seed to restore grass after the project is complete. Brunke said over the past two years, seeding has proven to be difficult and last year some areas had to be reseeded as a result of dry conditions.

Brunke presented a recommended bid of $893,964 from Iroquois Paving Corporation to complete the project, which was almost $80,000 less than the engineer’s estimate.

The village had $95,625 budgeted from the General Fund and $504,375 from the 2021 Streets and Storm Sewer Improvement Fund for the project. The project budget included a $112,500 grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

The board also approved a budget amendment of $293,964 to cover the difference between the bid and the budgeted amount. The money will come from available money in the 2021 Streets and Storm Sewer Improvement Fund.

“The neighbors over there will be thrilled to finally have part of their property back,” Mayor Michelle Nelson said, referring to flooding problems residents have dealt with.

Brunke said the two blocks of Brumley where the storm sewer will be installed and the street rebuilt will be closed to all but local traffic for a portion of the project.

“Everybody will have access to their homes during construction unless they are digging right in front of the home,” he said.

The board also approved a contract with Strand Associates for $120,000 for construction observation services. 

There will be an open house about the project from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, in village hall so residents can learn more and ask questions.

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