HOMEWOOD BIKING/WALKING OPEN HOUSE — Anyone who has ideas or questions about how to improve cycling and walking infrastructure in Homewood will have a chance to share both at an open house Saturday from 10 to noon at GoodSpeed Cycles, 2125 183rd St. The event is part of the village’s Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Downtown Master Plan process. Village officials hope to gather feedback from residents on potential solutions for future biking and walking infrastructure in the downtown area.
CARDBOARD CREATIONS — Carboard Creations is back at the Homewood Science Center, 18022 Dixie Highway, for STEM Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 3. Tools and materials will be provided. Best for kids age 6 and up if they are working on their own.
MELODY ANGEL AT FREEDOM HALL — Melody Angel, “a powerful rocking vocalist and guitarist” will perform at 7:30 p.m. at Freedom Hall, 410 Lakewood Blvd., Park Forest. More information and tickets here.
SCAVENGER HUNT — How well do you know H-F parks? The park district will host a scavenger hunt from 3 to 6 p.m. starting at Irons Oaks, 20000 Western Ave. Partners will follow a series of clues, questions, tasks and obstacles that will lead through the community. The last stop will be at Wiley’s Grill, where appetizers will be served. For those aged 21 and up. The fee is $10 for district residents and $15 for non-residents. Click here to register.