CATCH THE TWAIN, THE MUSICAL — The Homewood Historical Society will feature Catch the Twain, the Musical at its regular meeting, 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. in the meeting room at Homewood Public Library, 17917 Dixie Highway. Warren Brown will portray Mark Twain with Mark Dvorak accompanying him on banjo, including audience participation and sing-a-longs.
SANTA DRIVEWAY VISITS — The Homewood-Flossmoor Park District will provide Santa Claus visits to homes from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on tonight. Residents can take a photo with Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. Available to H-F residents only. Cost is $20 per house visit. Register at
DIXIE DRAINAGE PROJECT — Motorists along Dixie Highway south of Willow Road should use caution. Nicor is work on moving a gas line has closed the sidewalk on the east side of Dixie Highway from Willow Road south to 186th Place. Workers sometimes reduce lanes during the project. Following the gas line move, the Illinois Department of Transportation is planning to complete a drainage upgrade there, according to Homewood Public Works Director John Schaefer. That stretch of Dixie Highway often has standing water for several days following rainstorms.
MENORAH LIGHTING — Flossmoor will host a menorah lighting ceremony at 5 p.m. in front of Park Place in Flossmoor Park, 2449 Flossmoor Road. The ceremony celebrating Hanukkah will be conducted at 5 p.m. each day through Dec. 14.