VILLAGE KEY AWOL — Homewood officials sent an email to the community Tuesday letting residents know they are aware the “Village Key,” the quarterly magazine the village has published for years, has not been delivered to all homes. “We understand the frustration this may cause and want to assure you that we are actively engaged in resolving the matter with the post office,” officials said. A digital version of the winter edition is available online.
HOMEWOOD ETHICS COMMISSION — Commissioners will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29, in village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road.
SIGN UP FOR MLK DAY OF SERVICE — Flossmoor invites local businesses, non-profits, volunteer groups, neighborhood clubs and associations, friends and neighbors to help make a difference in the community by hosting a project for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 15. Last year the village coordinated 23 service projects. This year, organizers hope to grow the number of volunteers and projects even more. Make a suggestion for a volunteer project, including your location and volunteer needs, via this online form, or contact Stephanie Wright at 708-335-5472, [email protected].
ORNAMENT TREE — The Village of Homewood is inviting residents to contribute ornaments to the village Christmas tree that will be located in Martin Square. Drop off a family or business decorated ornament at village hall by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29, so they can be on the tree for Holiday Lights on Dec. 1. Ornaments must be ball shaped, weatherproof, shatterproof and windproof. The tree will remain outside until the end of December. Ornaments will not be returned, so village officials urge participants not to share heirlooms.