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IDOT announces improved road conditions map to help travelers this winter (free content)

With winter bearing down and snow starting to appear in the forecast, the Illinois Department of Transportation is debuting an improved winter road conditions map on its popular Getting Around Illinois website.

Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman suggests motorists bookmark the site.

“Illinois winters are notorious for changing quickly and drastically, sometimes over just a few miles. These improvements to Getting Around Illinois will give travelers information that’s more reliable and more local,” Osman said.


Instead of continuing to display conditions by county, the revamped map will show how weather events are impacting roads under the jurisdictions of the more than 120 snow-and-ice team sections that work out of IDOT facilities throughout the state.

Conditions on interstates and U.S. routes, which carry the most traffic in Illinois, will be given priority reporting status and appear more boldly on the map.

IDOT offers a short video on how to use the map and review conditions.

GettingAroundIllinois.com is available on computers and is optimized for smartphones. The winter road conditions feature alone averaging more than 2.5 million pageviews each year.

Conditions are recorded by plow drivers out in the field and relayed through a cloud-based system.

The website includes the ability to identify and zoom in to a location, travel route or destination as well as look up information on current construction projects and others identified for improvement in IDOT’s multiyear program.

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