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Survey open for residents’ comments as H-F principal search begins

Residents in Homewood-Flossmoor High School District 233 are being asked for their input as the search for a new principal begins.

A survey is open through Friday, Nov. 19, that gives residents the chance to rank their top priorities of the high school and what it should be looking for in a principal.

The survey is at surveymonkey.com.


Participants are asked to rank the most significant strengths of the high school, the most important skills for a principal, a principal’s characteristics, experience and abilities to work with others. The survey also asks for the important issues facing H-F in the next five years, an assessment of the school’s culture and climate and H-F’s academic programs.

The information will be collected by BWP & Associates educational consultants to conduct the search. The expectation is that a new principal will be named in December or January.

The school board last used the consultants for its superintendent search in 2020 after Superintendent Von Mansfield announced his retirement. The firm helped the board gather information from the community, the high school staff and students and used that to develop a profile of the next superintendent.

The District 233 school board named Scott Wakeley as superintendent-elect in March 2021. He is using this school year to acquaint himself with the workings of the high school before assuming the superintendent’s role in July.

James Mitchem is serving as principal this year, following the resignation of Jerry Anderson, who was H-F principal for four years.

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