Homewood trustees approved a resolution endorsing the Daly Group LLC for the development of a casino.
The Illinois Gaming Board will be hearing presentations from applicants competing for a South Suburban casino license on Oct. 13 and is expected to award the license in the coming months.
Approving an endorsement agreement prepares the village to move forward with development if the operator of the casino, Wind Creek, is awarded that license.
The board vote was 5-1 with Trustee Karen Washington casting the no vote.
Washington said she has concerns about the impact a casino could have on the village.
“I don’t want it to change our town,” she said. “I think of Homewood as a small family town, and I don’t want that to change. I’m concerned about what it could do. I might be wrong, but I would like things to stay similar to how they are.”
In other business, the board approved the reappointment of Levi Glass to the Fire and Police Commission for a 3-year term.
Eric Crump contributed to this story.