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Franciscan Health introduces a 30-day challenge: Do Good. Feel Good.

The past year has placed unprecedented stresses on everyone. In fact, the National Health Interview Survey from January revealed that four in 10 adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder, compared to one in 10 prior to the pandemic.

When mental health takes a downturn, physical health can follow, whether it’s from lost sleep, poor diet and exercise, or neglecting your own health as you do your best to care for your loved ones.

Small changes can make a big difference, and with summer approaching, there’s no better time to mentally recharge and re-center your frame of mind. That’s why Franciscan Health is inviting Individuals and organizations to participate in the Do Good. Feel Good. 30-Day Challenge.

It’s a free program that begins when you sign up at DoGoodFeelGood.org, or by texting GOOD to 26464. The challenge begins June 1. Registered participants will receive daily emails or SMS messages with inspirational ideas for small shifts that will improve your mind, body and spirit in the coming weeks.


The science behind the program comes from the Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley, which has been at the fore of a new scientific movement to explore the roots of happy and compassionate individuals, strong social bonds, and altruistic behavior. It also derives inspiration from Harvard University professor and author Shawn Anchor, whose lecture on positive psychology is included in the challenge. 

This daily motivation to complete small tasks will help you build new habits. While the challenge is just 30 days, you’ll be paving a positive path that you can continue in the months ahead. Daily challenges include activities like writing down what you’re grateful for, a reminder to hydrate, or ideas to spread kindness around you.

Organizations and employers can incorporate the 30-day challenge into their existing wellness program and even have departments compete to see how many team members complete the challenge.

Participants can celebrate your successes and share inspiration with other community members on social media by posting with the tag #DGFGchallenge.

If you have more questions about the Do Good. Feel Good. 30-Day Challenge, email [email protected] and put “DGFG” in your subject line.

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