Restaurants and bars can maintain outdoor service through October after the Homewood village board extended an ordinance this week.
The board originally approved an ordinance last May aimed at encouraging outdoor food and liquor service during the COVID-19 pandemic. It extended that ordinance in October but that extension was set to expire at the end of this month.
The latest extension will expire on Oct. 31. The aim is to help businesses struggling with pandemic mitigation rules.
To that same effect, the board also approved a third round of liquor license rebates. Homewood first gave liquor license holders rebates on three months of fees from March through May of 2020. A second round was approved for a five-month span from December through April.
The ordinance passed this week will give back to business owners 25 percent of their liquor license fees between May and July.
In other business, Homewood renewed the contract with Laner Muchin, Ltd. for legal services in labor negotiations. The current agreement expires April 30. It was renewed for two years. The firm will be paid a $44,000 retainer fee.
The purchase of an asphalt hauler was also approved for $42,625. The machine is used for patching potholes and other road repairs.
A serial raffle license was issued to Glenwood Academy. The school plans to hold a Queen of Hearts raffle selling tickets at Fifth Quarter and Press Room Eatery for $5. It held similar raffles in 2018 and 2019.