Flossmoor village board members will consider an increase in the water and sewer rate at Monday, July 6, meeting, the first session to be held in-person since Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued a stay-at-home order in March after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. at Flossmoor Village Hall, 2800 Flossmoor Road.
Village Finance Director Scott Bordui is recommending that the board approve a 70-cent increase in the water and sewer rate, a 4.8 percent hike. In a memo to the board, Bordui presented five options for consideration. The 70-cent increase, he said, provides for upcoming water rate hikes from both Chicago and Harvey and also allows the village to cover a $128,343 deficit in the Water and Sewer Fund budget.
If accepted by the board, the proposed increase will be up for approval in an ordinance on July 20.
Since March, village board meetings have been held remotely. Community members have been able to listen into the sessions over a phone line and submit questions to Flossmoor officials in advance. The village hall was also closed after Pritzker’s order went into effect. It reopened on June 26.
Attendance at Monday’s meeting will be limited to 50 people, including staff and members of the public. Masks and temperature screenings will be required and anyone with a temperature of more than 100.4 degrees will be asked to leave. Social distancing will be practiced with tables and chairs spread across the board chamber.
Public participation will be permitted only during the citizen comment portion of the agenda. Members of the public may also comment on items on the agenda by email to [email protected]. Comments received by 6 p.m. on July 6 will be read at the meeting.
Interested persons can also listen into the meeting on their phones. The meeting number is 408-418-9388 with 126 346 1039 as an access code 60422 as a password.
During Monday’s meeting, the board will also:
- Consider appointments of the chair and vice-chair of the Flossmoor Community Relations Committee.
- Consider a contract award for a water corrosion study that is necessary if Flossmoor opts to hook up to a Lake Michigan water line through Chicago Heights.
- Consider a resolution to accept technical services delivered by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning for a Local Road Safety Plan.
- Consider a contract award for this year’s Motor Fuel Tax street paving program in the village.