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Homewood Rotary Foundation ramps up efforts during pandemic shut-down

In the midst of a pandemic, community service is more important than ever, and the Rotary Club Foundation has a number of projects underway which will greatly increase the amount of gifts and contributions that will help the community weather the crisis.

According to Foundation Board President Rick Thiernau, of Thiernau Financial Services, Inc., the club is in process of supporting nine entities with challenges related to COVID-19.

Thiernau said, “Our support and recognition of the needs of these entities is a result of the community involvement of our outstanding board members. They often know someone connected with a particular group which needs help, or perhaps a business owner who has the items needed and is willing to help. It is wonderful the way the relationships of our members step up to the task at hand.”

Deliveries began the first week of May. Heading up the list is Advocate South Suburban Hospital and University of Chicago Medicine/Ingalls Memorial. Both locations will receive 50 meals each. The meals will be prepared and delivered by Bergstein’s Deli in Chicago Heights. 


“This became possible because a couple of board members were instrumental in making this happen because of people they know,” said Thiernau.” He stated again this type of outreach is a strong element in the Homewood Rotary’s membership.

Additionally, New Star, which works with developmentally challenged clients in Chicago Heights, will receive funds to help them purchase personal protective equipment (PPE). Thiernau is president of New Star’s board of directors.

Funds will also go to PADS to help provide service to the homeless. 

“And once again, a board member’s neighbor works with PADS, which impacted the foundation’s decision to provide the funds,” said Thiernau.

Also on the list for help is Progressive Careers and Housing located in Olympia Fields, which works with intellectually and developmentally disabled adults. Thanks to a Foundation board member who is employed there, they will receive funding to help them purchase PPE and other supplies for their clients. 

Suburban Access, located in Homewood, will receive funds to help them provide services for home-bound residents, thanks to a board member who works closely with the group.

Funding will be going to Sierra Leone, a tiny country on the west coast of Africa. The funds will go to help their medical professionals to provide much needed services. 

According to Thiernau, the Homewood Rotary Club has done extensive medical, educational and water work in Sierra Leone. 

“One of our Rotary Club members was a doctor who worked in Sierra Leone for a time. Our support there is ongoing because there are many additional needs,” he said.

The Homewood Rotary Club was founded in 1936, part of an international organization known for its dedication to community service, world peace and international understanding. There are more than 33,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide. 

With its current membership of approximately 40 men and women from all walks of life, the Homewood Rotary has contributed more than $75,000 in gifts and contributions in the past three years.

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