The satirical political comedy “Tartuffe, In Search of an American Idol” is being presented by The Drama Group over two weekends in December.
The comedy is full of laughs from start to finish. The story was penned by 17th century French writer Moliere, but this version of the play puts a fresh political spin on the story that centers around a wealthy American businessman who entrusts his home, fortune, reputation, wife and daughter to an up-and-coming politician who is an unscrupulous charlatan.
This adaptation lampoons society and politics, offering a comedic tale of frauds, cheats, scoundrels and interlopers. Although it’s 350 years since Moliere wrote the original, “Tartuffe” resonates with the present-day anxieties.
Joining the cast is Marylee Hoganson of Homewood. The production team includes Dayna Sterkowitz of Flossmoor, and Bob Sullivan and Ken Hawkley of Homewood.
“Tartuffe” will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7, and again at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 12, 13 and 14. Sunday performances Dec. 8 and Dec. 15 are at 2 p.m. All shows are at the Drama Group’s Milord Studio Theatre, 330 W. 202nd Street, Chicago Heights.
Tickets are $23 for adults, $21 for senior citizens and $17 for students with ID. Group discount rates are available. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Drama Group box office at 708-754-3444, or online.