Homewood has just launched another creative marketing campaign aimed at city dwellers considering a move to the suburbs. The “Home Sweet Homewood” podcast and “And Now for Something Completely Homewood” video series are the next step in the village’s marketing strategy aimed at young families and millennials considering a move from the city to the suburbs.
Homewood has just launched another creative marketing campaign this week aimed at city dwellers considering a move to the suburbs.
The “Home Sweet Homewood” podcast and “And Now for Something Completely Homewood” video series are the next step in the village’s marketing strategy aimed at young families and millennials considering a move from the city to the suburbs.
“Think Homewood” began last year with advertisements on the CTA blue and pink line trains and on radio. Village Marketing Director Jennifer Quirke said the train ads are expected to pick up again in the spring.
“The podcast and video series are more of an extension of the overall ‘Think Homewood’ campaign offering the audience the opportunity to see and hear from Homewood residents,” Quirke said.
The first podcast, which was posted this week, centers around three families who moved to Homewood from Chicago. They discuss their reasons for choosing the village and what they consider attractive aspects of living in Homewood.
The podcast will be posted biweekly on Mondays and Thursdays between Sept. 30 and Oct. 31 for a total of 10 episodes. It’ll cover subjects like the village school districts, the Homewood Science Center, the arts, businesses, village history, special events and stories from residents. The Halloween episode will feature Homewood-based scary stories.
The podcasts are hosted and edited by Josh Eisenberg and produced by Mary Jane Maharry of Brava Public Relations, which has a working relationship with the village.
“And Now for Something Completely Homewood” will be a series of one-minute or shorter videos showcasing things like the community garden, off-leash biking outings, homegrown music and Homewood chickens. Anne Colton filmed and edited the videos, which will be available on the village website and social media.