Local News

Public hearing for new TIF district in Homewood set for Tuesday

The Village of Homewood will host a public hearing at 7 p.m. Tuesday to provide information and invite comment about a proposed tax increment finance district on the site of the former Bogart’s Charhouse. The hearing will include a report from the Joint Review Board, which includes representative from other taxing bodies that would be affected by the TIF district; an overview of the TIF plan; and time for public comment. 


The Village of Homewood will host a public hearing at 7 p.m. Tuesday to provide information and invite comment about a proposed tax increment finance district on the site of the former Bogart’s Charhouse.

The hearing will include a report from the Joint Review Board, which includes representative from other taxing bodies that would be affected by the TIF district; an overview of the TIF plan; and time for public comment. 

The village acquired the property at 18225 Dixie Highway last year in order to have more control over its redevelopment. The TIF district is intended to provide financial support for a future redevelopment project.

Following the hearing, the board will convene in regular session.

Trustees will consider measures authorizing lease agreements to obtain four vehicles, plus the purchase of a new ambulance. 

In other business, the board will consider

  • Releasing the minutes of closed session meetings that no longer require confidentiality. 
  • A special use permit and parking variance for the expansion of a salon business at 18659 Dixie Highway.
  • A special use permit to allow Covenant Healthcare Institute to operate a school to provide certified nursing assistant training at 18216 Harwood Ave.
  • A parking variance for a resident at 18524 Gladville Ave.
The board meets in the board room on the lower level of village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road.

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