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SSHS still in need of donations for adoption center

The South Suburban Humane Society’s new adoption center in Homewood is still in need of donations after renovations have stalled.
Construction at the new facility, being remodeled from the building that once housed the Homewood Animal Hospital at 2207 183rd St., has slowed because of issues with plumbing and the roof. A new gas line also had to be added. The existing line had been tied off because the property was vacant for more than 180 days.
The animal hospital closed in 2015. The facility was purchased for the Humane Society by an anonymous donor. It will house about 40 dogs and 20 cats and there will be an in-house spay and neuter surgical suite.
SSHS CEO Emily Klehm said those setbacks make it difficult to give an accurate opening date.
“Despite all of the setbacks, we remain truly positive about this as a wonderful addition to not only the life of Homewood but as a huge movement forward for the South Suburban Humane Society,” Klehm said.
SSHS needs to raise another $90,000 to cover initial costs and future operating costs. Klehm said the organization will send a mailing to all residents of Homewood and Flossmoor soon asking for donations.
Donations can be made online at www.southsuburbanhumane.org/homewood-adoption-center. Naming rights are available for various rooms and facilities within the new building, including the lobby, a grooming room, a break room, an outdoor play yard and bricks in a garden. A full list of open naming possibilities is available on the adoption center website. 
The building cleared a hurdle last month when the Homewood village board approved zoning and a special use permit. 
“We are hopeful for mid-April but I hate to keep giving dates that do not come to fruition,” Klehm said. “Tentatively, we’re saying a soft opening by the end of April and a grand opening for mid- to late-May.”

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