Local News

Homewood reaches parking agreement with St. Joseph church

Homewood village trustees approved an agreement Tuesday that will help alleviate potential future parking issues caused by changes soon to come around village hall.
Public parking will now be allowed at St. Joseph church at 17949 Dixie Highway, across the street from the village complex, compensating for the anticipated loss of spaces from the sale of the village hall parking lot.
The agreement with the Archdiocese of Chicago will allow public parking at St. Joseph church between noon and midnight Mondays through Fridays, 7 p.m. to midnight on Saturdays, and 1 p.m. to midnight on Sundays.
In December, the board agreed to sell the village parking lot at the corner of Chestnut Road and Harwood Avenue for $355,00 to the company, 107 Highwood Holdings, which plans to develop townhomes on the site. 
Village vehicles and cars of guests to the village hall currently park in the lot, which has 119 parking spots.
Homewood won’t expressly pay for the use of the church lot but will reimburse the church for a portion of snow plowing, maintenance and capital improvements. 
The cost of expenses will be nominal and variable, according to village documents. It amounts to 75 percent of the costs to plow snow, 25 percent of expenses related to sealcoating and striping approximately every three to five years and 25 percent of future improvement costs. 
St. Joseph is contracted with Camms Automotive Repair for snow removal at between $180 and $245 per plowing. The lot was last striped in the summer of 2016 for approximately $600, according to village documents. 
The village will be allocated 45 spaces on the west side of the lot. Appropriate signage will be posted.
St. Joseph set aside 11 days annually that are excluded from the contract. The church expects to need all of the lot on those days, including holidays. 

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