At the Chronicle, we do our best to bring our readers accurate and comprehensive news about matters great and small in our communities. We are concluding our fourth full year of online publication and monthly print editions. On this, the fifth Christmas since our start, we are grateful for continued community support. We are fortunate to serve readers who are progressive, diverse and truly preparing their children for the future.
Like most of you, we look forward to spending time with our families during the holidays. It is always an interesting time of year. The holidays are filled with so much anticipation and, all too often, phony sentimentality. But, at the core of today’s holiday – Christmas – is a story of hope and love and a child who was sent to save the world. You can choose to believe the story or not. But the overriding message of Christmas is one of the great ideas of our human existence.
It is wonderful to think about the ideas that, ultimately, are associated with the Christmas story. Peace on earth. Good will to all. Love your neighbor. Take care of the poor. Blessed are the peacemakers.
It is good to have such ideas in our hearts. Love is the greatest of all gifts, but it needs to be shared. We can’t be greedy with the spark of divine goodness that is within all of us.
We hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season and a healthy, prosperous New Year.
From all of us at the Chronicle, Merry Christmas!
Stephanie Markham, Carole Sharwarko, Eric Crump
Marilyn Thomas, Tom Houlihan, Carrie Steinweg and
Sharon Filkins. (Mary Compton/H-F Chronicle)