Kids from the Fonner family spotted the one lighted snowflake decoration in Homewood that is different from all the others. They got some special awards from Mayor Richard Hofeld.

One of these things is not like the others.
The Fonner kids spotted the one lighted
snowflake decoration in Homewood that is
different from all the others.
From left, Homewood Mayor Richard Hofeld
congratulated Brin Fonner, 8, Eli Fonner, 4,
and their dad, Nick Fonner of Homewood
on their find that won a Krispy Kreme coupon.
Anyone else spotting the odd snowflake can
stop by village hall, 2020 Chestnut Road, on
Saturdays between 9 a.m. and noon to report
their find. Hofeld awards Krispy Kreme or
Twisted Q coupons to everyone who reports
the correct location of the odd decoration.