Local News

Flossmoor asks county for tax-delinquent property

The Village of Flossmoor is looking to turn six parcels of vacant land between Governors Highway and Kedzie Avenue into commercial developments by participating in Cook County’s No Cash Bid Program.
The program allows municipalities to acquire tax-delinquent property without bidding for it, and the county will forgive the unpaid taxes with the expectation that the property will result in future tax dollars once developed. The county has offered this program since 1991.
The Flossmoor Village Board voted Nov. 19 to apply for the county’s 2019 program to gain possession of the roughly 7-acre area of land between the Center for Dental Excellence and Sunrise Senior Living between Governors Highway and Kedzie Avenue. 
Village Manager Bridget Wachtel said costs would include attorney fees and expenses incurred for title reports, photographing and mapping the area. 
“Our intent is to see quality, commercial uses for these parcels,” Wachtel said.
Each of the parcels are vacant land with municipal liens for four consecutive delinquent tax years, she said. 
Mayor Paul Braun said that to the best of his knowledge the land has never been developed.  
Parts of the land are floodplain, which has contributed to difficulties in developing the space, he said.
“We’ve had some interest in the area in the past with housing, but that wasn’t right for that particular area,” Braun said. “I think it makes sense for us to try to attain those properties through the No Cash Bid Program. How we market that remains to be seen.”
In other news, the board approved a resolution accepting public works improvements that were completed for the Meijer store at 3800 Vollmer Road.
The improvements included an onsite water main fronting Pulaski Road costing $512,475, a water main extending from Meijer to the Ballantrae Subdivision costing $88,214.26 and an onsite sanitary sewer costing $84,950.
The village has inspected and approved the work, and Meijer has transferred ownership of these systems to the village, according to the resolution.

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