Local News

Possible change in Flossmoor pickup truck ordinance on Monday agenda

Flossmoor village board members Monday will take the first step toward a possible repeal of the longtime prohibition of pickup truck parking on residential driveways.
Board members will consider a motion directing the Flossmoor plan commission to hold a public hearing on a proposed text amendment to the village’s zoning ordinance that, if adopted, would allow pickup trucks to park in residential districts. 
The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at the village hall, 2800 Flossmoor Road.
In an advisory referendum on Nov. 6, Flossmoor residents overwhelmingly voted in favor of loosening restrictions on pickup truck parking. If the board approves the motion Monday, the plan commission will hold a public hearing on the draft amendment on a yet-to-be-determined date in December. A public hearing at the plan commission level is legally required under state statute in order to proceed with the Zoning Ordinance amendment.
The draft amendment defines the permissibility of personal use trucks not only by plate — B plate or less — but also by look or description. The memo to the board and the text of the draft amendment is available on the Village’s website.
Village board meetings are open to the public. While some discussion is expected during Monday’s regular board meeting, the plan commission public hearing will be the official opportunity for residents to comment on the amendment.
Following the public hearing, the plan commission will vote on a recommendation for the village board, which will then hold the final vote to amend the zoning ordinance.

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