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Adopt-A-Family program opens for South Suburban Family Shelter

As the holiday season approaches, South Suburban Family Shelter’s Adopt-A-Family program is looking for donors to help those in need.
These victims of domestic violence and their families will likely have nothing for the holidays unless residents step up to donate, said Brittany Williams of SSFS. The wrapped gifts will be shared with the adopted family. 
Food is also needed, including turkeys, chickens and non-perishable items for holiday meals.

SSFS also is accepted monetary contributions and gift cards for its Adopt-A-Family program.
Donations can be dropped off at South Suburban Family Shelter, 18137 S. Harwood, Homewood. For additional information, contact Williams at [email protected] or at 708-794-2140.
South Suburban Family Shelter is a not-for-profit agency providing comprehensive services for families who experience domestic violence. All victim services are provided free of charge and all programs are available in English and Spanish. Information is at 708-335-3028.

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