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Registration open for Underground Railroad tour

The history of the Underground Railroad in the south Chicago region will be presented in a two-hour Freedom Trail hike and lecture on Saturday, Nov. 10.
Retired Governors State University Professor Larry McClellan, a noted authority on the Underground Railroad in northern Illinois, and Tom Shepherd of the Little Calumet Underground Railroad Project, will be the narrators and guide for this free program starting at 1 p.m. 
It is believed hundreds, if not thousands, of escaped slaves came through the area prior to the Civil War. They were helped by abolitionists, including the Jan Ton family, owners of a farm near Beaubien Woods in Chicago, part of the Cook County Forest Preserves. 
The tour will depart from Beaubien Woods boat launch. Only registered participants will be able to join the group. Registration is being accepted at [email protected] or at 773-370-3305.

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